Storytelling with Data

In this talk, we will describe how we use data collected at Facebook to inform product development. Including everything from ideas, experimentations, and launches.

Learning the technical skills for analysis is key, but arguably more critical is asking the right research questions for the data you have available, and creating a story out of your findings.

Our talk will include an example of how an analysis can influence a product, as well as open up a discussion to everyone in the audience to share their own experiences. Hope to see you there!

Useful Links

  • tags: presenting, impact, business, data science

Sunday Oct 18th, 7:00pm to 8:15pm (GMT)

Presented By:

Isha Mehra and Shreya Punya

About the Speaker(s):

Both have B. S. Statistics and Machine Learning at Carnegie Mellon University Isha - Data Scientist at Facebook, Shreya - Data Scientist at Instagram Both were TAs for Computer Science classes at Carnegie Mellon University (Isha Intro to CS, Shreya Intro to ML)

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